Recent advances in our understanding of water and aqueous activity in chondrites

Recent advances in our understanding of water and aqueous activity in chondrites

This article (accessible to non-experts) is a brief review of the origin and role of water on chondritic asteroids.

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Cosmic symplectite recorded irradiation by nearby massive stars in the solar system's parent molecular cloud

Cosmic symplectite recorded irradiation by nearby massive stars in the solar system's parent molecular cloud

In this GCA article, we seek to understand the role of the Sun’s galactic neighborhood on the formation of the Solar System.

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Hydrogen in chondrites: Influence of parent body alteration and atmospheric contamination on primordial components

Hydrogen in chondrites: Influence of parent body alteration and atmospheric contamination on primordial components

In this GCA article, we explore the effect of terrestrial alteration of the hydrogen budget of chondrites.

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Thermal evolution of hydrated asteroids inferred from oxygen isotopes

Thermal evolution of hydrated asteroids inferred from oxygen isotopes

In this ApJ Letter, we track the evolution of the alteration temperature using petrographic observations and O-isotopic measurements of CM carbonates.

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