First "quick look" at the Bennu asteroid sample-return capsule. (Oct. 11th 2023)

Ⓒ NASA/Erika Blumenfeld & Joseph Aebersold

Initial studies of the asteroid Bennu sample collected in space and brought to Earth by NASA show evidence of high-carbon content (~4.7 wt% of total C) and water (under the form of hydrous minerals), organic materials, carbonates,    magnetites and sulfides. This finding was part of a preliminary assessment of NASA’s OSIRIS-REx (Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification and Security – Regolith Explorer) science team.

Within the first two weeks, scientists performed “quick-look” analyses of that initial material, collecting images from a scanning electron microscope, infrared measurements, X-ray diffraction, and chemical element analysis. X-ray computed tomography was also used to produce a 3D computer model of one of the particles, highlighting its diverse interior. This early glimpse provided the evidence of abundant carbon and water in the sample.

Ⓒ NASA/Karen Fox/Erin Morton & NASA's live stream
